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Dear Playtronica team,
Greetings from Indian Youth Cafe!
As a crusader of #Youth2030 agenda in South Asia, I feel extremely pleased to write to you seeking support for our youth-led project. Having previously worked at the official children and youth constituency to the UN Environment programme; I feel our project can help bridge the gaps in the youth engagement system through sharing of creative environmental perspectives and effectively leveraging the CCI ( Creative and Cultural Industries) in India and beyond, providing several opportunities for young people globally. We Indian Youth Cafe represent a Government of India/ Govt of Tami Nadu certified and United Nations-awarded startup in the field of placemaking. We are in the business of thinking, designing, operationalising, and managing social spaces that are empathetic to the Youth of today. We exist because every young individual deserves a safe space to live, learn, work, co-work, and amplify the development dialogue. The lack of Safe Social Spaces to drive Youth and adolescents' skilling, new-age employment and civic aspirations obstruct socioeconomic and cultural development, negatively affecting individual well-being and prosocial behaviour. Further, when the culture of having dialogues and exercising empathy is rendered redundant, extremist beliefs, values and attitudes may take root in echo chambers. As pioneers of the innovative youth cafe model in India and South Asia, our omnichannel approach toward youth engagement aims to impart non-formal learning and enable positive community actions through affordable, subsidised, or free social spaces designed globally for young people and adolescents. Through our motto #ThinkGlobalActivateLocal, we localise the efforts of Youth communities in a specific region towards achieving sustainable development goals through omnichannel mobilisation.
Through our current project, “Rising and Vibing for Environment(RAVE)”, we are involving our community and young professionals working with us in a global survey, spatial analysis study and revitalisation of underused, abandoned or/and underserved infrastructure through the power of the creative and cultural economy. However, it is fundamentally for and acknowledging any artistic action that creates ripples for protecting the biosphere, what constitutes our surroundings, from the imminent dangers of incessant human activities. We aim to bring back to use specific sites of cultural and industrial importance to support the CCI (*Creative and Cultural industries) ecosystem through an effective Public-private partnership.
We are also seeking insights on the proposed “Regeneration festival” and looking to secure locations for this event in South Asia; the central idea being the revival of abandoned/ dismissed/ forgotten cultural or industrial heritage to display the EDM playlist we are co-creating with the artists, scientists and culturists from across the World. Kindly let us know your email address so we could share the proposed project where we wish to partner/ collaborate with your organisation to bring urgent environmental action through mass culture tools, together!
This is also an effort to raise environmental consciousness among the youth and also a noble effort to leverage the creative economy to seek positive actions for the people and planet. We shall be ever thankful for your efforts in enabling a collaborative space with us in the near future. We need your support for a united, healthy and liveable environment. Please feel free to call or message us anytime in case you need any clarification or in case of any questions or feedback.
Best regards,
Sehaj Sahni
Founder, Indian Youth Cafe
Would love to connect, Sehaj. I'm an environmental impact strategist working with artists globally. Drop me your email if you'd like to chat! :)