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I loved playing around with the Touch-Me but just got to the point where I thought, Touch-Me would actually be a much better effect-controller (like a poti/ slider) than melodic-input-controller. I didn't want to use any externals because those mostly make my sessions a lot less stable, so I looked around to somehow get a solution.
Because your tutorials are already great - and mostly Ableton-specific - I thought, I might share my solution - maybe it might be interesting for other people as well so you could share it in your tutorials as well 😄
This workaround uses Ableton's Midi-Effect "Expression Controll" which is new to Live 11. Like the LFO tool etc. you have the option to directly map effects to values like velocity, expression - and the actual incoming key! The problem is, that you can't probably scale the incoming values to 0% to 100%. So I made a small Midi-Rack which "stretches" each note of Touch me so the incoming values are C-2 to G8 instead of C2 to C5.
The only small bug is that sometimes - if you put your hand of too quickly - Touch-Me doesn't go down to C2 anymore and is stuck at the last value instead.
I put my small Ableton Device here ( (for fast people) but it isn't that complicated and only some click-effort - see setup in image below.
You could consider adding a Midi-CC option to the different scale options on Touch-Me for future versions - but I never really got into hardware electronic so not sure if that's even possible.
Strongly agree; this would vastly increase the usability of this device
I planed to use it with Ableton, is it possible? Just a footswitch for live looping